Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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;;;; "Init.scm", Scheme initialization code for SCM.
;;; Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Aubrey Jaffer.
;;; See the file `COPYING' for terms applying to this program.
(define (scheme-implementation-type) 'SCM)
(define (scheme-implementation-version) "4e1")
;;; (library-vicinity) should be defined to be the pathname of the
;;; directory where files of Scheme library functions reside.
(define library-vicinity
(let ((library-path
(or (getenv "SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH")
(case (software-type)
((UNIX COHERENT) "/usr/local/lib/slib/")
((VMS) "lib$scheme:")
((OS/2) "\\languages\\scm\\slib\\")
((MACOS THINKC) "camus Napoleon:Think C4.0:scm3.0:")
((AMIGA) "Scheme:libs/")
(else "")))))
(lambda () library-path)))
;;; program-vicinity is here in case the Scheme Library cannot be found.
(define program-vicinity
(let ((*vicinity-suffix*
(case (software-type)
((UNIX COHERENT) '(#\/))
((AMIGA) '(#\: #\/))
((VMS) '(#\: #\]))
((MSDOS ATARIST OS/2) '(#\\))
((MACOS THINKC) '(#\:)))))
(lambda ()
(let loop ((i (- (string-length *load-pathname*) 1)))
(cond ((negative? i) "")
((memv (string-ref *load-pathname* i)
(substring *load-pathname* 0 (+ i 1)))
(else (loop (- i 1))))))))
;;; Here for backward compatability
(define scheme-file-suffix
(case (software-type)
((NOSVE) (lambda () "_scm"))
((archimedes) (lambda () ""))
(else (lambda () ".scm"))))
(set! *features*
(append '(getenv tmpnam system abort transcript with-file
ieee-p1178 rev4-report rev4-optional-procedures
hash object-hash delay eval dynamic-wind
multiarg-apply multiarg/and- logical defmacro
string-port source)
(define in-vicinity string-append)
(define slib:exit quit)
;;; This is the vicinity where this file resides.
(define implementation-vicinity
; (let ((vic (program-vicinity)))
; (lambda () vic)))
;;; --- ams.
(let ((vic "<scm$dir>."))
(lambda () vic)))
(define (terms)
(list-file (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "COPYING")))
(define (list-file file)
(call-with-input-file file
(lambda (inport)
(do ((c (read-char inport) (read-char inport)))
((eof-object? c))
(write-char c)))))
(define (read:eval-feature exp)
(cond ((symbol? exp)
(or (memq exp *features*) (eq? exp (software-type))))
((and (pair? exp) (list? exp))
(case (car exp)
((not) (not (read:eval-feature (cadr exp))))
((or) (if (null? (cdr exp)) #f
(or (read:eval-feature (cadr exp))
(read:eval-feature (cons 'or (cddr exp))))))
((and) (if (null? (cdr exp)) #t
(and (read:eval-feature (cadr exp))
(read:eval-feature (cons 'and (cddr exp))))))
(else (error "read:sharp+ invalid expression " exp))))))
(define (read:array digit port)
(define chr0 (char->integer #\0))
(let ((rank (let readnum ((val (- (char->integer digit) chr0)))
(if (char-numeric? (peek-char port))
(readnum (+ (* 10 val)
(- (char->integer (read-char port)) chr0)))
(prot (if (eq? #\( (peek-char port))
(let ((c (read-char port)))
(case c ((#\b) #t)
((#\a) #\a)
((#\u) 1)
((#\e) -1)
((#\s) 1.0)
((#\i) 1/3)
((#\c) 0+i)
(else (error "read:array unknown option " c)))))))
(if (eq? (peek-char port) #\()
(list->uniform-array rank prot (read port))
(error "read:array list not found"))))
(define (read:uniform-vector proto port)
(if (eq? #\( (peek-char port))
(list->uniform-array 1 proto (read port))
(error "read:uniform-vector list not found")))
(define (read:sharp c port)
(define (barf)
(error "unknown # object" c))
(case c ((#\') (read port))
((#\+) (if (read:eval-feature (read port))
(read port)
(begin (read port) (if #f #f))))
((#\-) (if (not (read:eval-feature (read port)))
(read port)
(begin (read port) (if #f #f))))
((#\b) (read:uniform-vector #t port))
((#\a) (read:uniform-vector #\a port))
((#\u) (read:uniform-vector 1 port))
((#\e) (read:uniform-vector -1 port))
((#\s) (read:uniform-vector 1.0 port))
((#\i) (read:uniform-vector 1/3 port))
((#\c) (read:uniform-vector 0+i port))
((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
(read:array c port))
((#\!) (if (= 1 (line-number))
(let skip () (if (eq? #\newline (peek-char port))
(if #f #f)
(begin (read-char port) (skip))))
(else (barf))))
;;;; Here are some Revised^2 Scheme functions:
(define 1+
(let ((+ +))
(lambda (n) (+ n 1))))
(define -1+
(let ((+ +))
(lambda (n) (+ n -1))))
(define 1- -1+)
(define <? <)
(define <=? <=)
(define =? =)
(define >? >)
(define >=? >=)
(define t #t)
(define nil #f)
(define sequence begin)
(set! apply (lambda (fun . args) (@apply fun (apply:nconc-to-last args))))
(define (call-with-current-continuation proc)
(@call-with-current-continuation proc))
;;; VMS does something strange when output is sent to both
(case (software-type) ((VMS) (set-current-error-port (current-output-port))))
;;; OPEN_READ, OPEN_WRITE, and OPEN_BOTH are used to request the proper
;;; mode to open files in. MSDOS does carraige return - newline
;;; translation if not opened in `b' mode.
(define OPEN_READ (case (software-type)
(else "r")))
(define OPEN_WRITE (case (software-type)
(else "w")))
(define OPEN_BOTH (case (software-type)
(else "r+")))
(define could-not-open #f)
(define (open-input-file str)
(or (open-file str OPEN_READ)
(and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f)
(error "OPEN-INPUT-FILE couldn't find file " str)))
(define (open-output-file str)
(or (open-file str OPEN_WRITE)
(and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f)
(error "OPEN-OUTPUT-FILE couldn't find file " str)))
(define (open-io-file str) (open-file str OPEN_BOTH))
(define close-input-port close-port)
(define close-output-port close-port)
(define close-io-port close-port)
(define (call-with-input-file str proc)
(let* ((file (open-input-file str))
(ans (proc file)))
(close-input-port file)
(define (call-with-output-file str proc)
(let* ((file (open-output-file str))
(ans (proc file)))
(close-output-port file)
(define (with-input-from-port port thunk)
(let* ((swaports (lambda () (set! port (set-current-input-port port)))))
(dynamic-wind swaports thunk swaports)))
(define (with-output-to-port port thunk)
(let* ((swaports (lambda () (set! port (set-current-output-port port)))))
(dynamic-wind swaports thunk swaports)))
(define (with-error-to-port port thunk)
(let* ((swaports (lambda () (set! port (set-current-error-port port)))))
(dynamic-wind swaports thunk swaports)))
(define (with-input-from-file file thunk)
(let* ((nport (open-input-file file))
(ans (with-input-from-port nport thunk)))
(close-port nport)
(define (with-output-to-file file thunk)
(let* ((nport (open-output-file file))
(ans (with-output-to-port nport thunk)))
(close-port nport)
(define (with-error-to-file file thunk)
(let* ((nport (open-output-file file))
(ans (with-error-to-port nport thunk)))
(close-port nport)
(define (error . args)
(define cep (current-error-port))
(perror "ERROR")
(errno 0)
(display "ERROR: " cep)
(if (not (null? args))
(begin (display (car args) cep)
(for-each (lambda (x) (display #\ cep) (write x cep))
(cdr args))))
(newline cep)
(force-output cep)
(define set-errno errno)
(define exit quit)
(define (file-exists? str)
(let ((port (open-file str OPEN_READ)))
(if port (begin (close-port port) #t)
(if (memq 'line-i/o *features*)
(define (write-line str . arg)
(apply display str arg)
(apply newline arg)))
(if (memq 'pipe *features*)
(define (open-input-pipe str) (open-pipe str "r")))
(if (memq 'pipe *features*)
(define (open-output-pipe str) (open-pipe str "w")))
(if (not (memq 'ed *features*))
(define (ed . args)
(system (apply string-append
(or (getenv "EDITOR") "ed")
(map (lambda (s) (string-append " " s)) args))))
(set! *features* (cons 'ed *features*))))
(if (not (defined? output-port-width))
(define (output-port-width . arg) 80))
(if (not (defined? output-port-height))
(define (output-port-height . arg) 24))
(define (has-suffix? str suffix)
(let ((sufl (string-length suffix))
(sl (string-length str)))
(and (> sl sufl)
(string=? (substring str (- sl sufl) sl) suffix))))
(define slib:error error)
(define slib:tab #\tab)
(define slib:form-feed #\page)
(define slib:eval eval)
;;; Load.
(define (scm:load file . libs)
(define sfs (scheme-file-suffix))
(define cep (current-error-port))
(define filesuf file)
(define hss (has-suffix? file sfs))
(cond ((> (verbose) 1)
(display ";loading " cep) (write file cep) (newline cep)))
(force-output cep)
(or (and (defined? link:link) (not hss)
(or (apply link:link file libs)
(and link:able-suffix
(let ((fs (string-append file link:able-suffix)))
(cond ((not (file-exists? fs)) #f)
((apply link:link fs libs) (set! filesuf fs) #t)
(else #f))))))
(and (null? libs)
(or (try-load file)
;;HERE is where the suffix gets specified
(and (not hss)
(begin (set! filesuf (string-append file sfs))
(try-load filesuf)))))
(and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f)
(error "LOAD couldn't find file " file))
(errno 0)
(cond ((> (verbose) 1)
(display ";done loading " cep) (write filesuf cep) (newline cep)
(force-output cep))))
(define load scm:load)
(define slib:load load)
(define (scm:load-source file)
(define sfs (scheme-file-suffix))
(define cep (current-error-port))
(define filesuf file)
(cond ((> (verbose) 1)
(display ";loading " cep) (write file cep) (newline cep)))
(force-output cep)
(or (and (or (try-load file)
;;HERE is where the suffix gets specified
(and (not (has-suffix? file sfs))
(begin (set! filesuf (string-append file sfs))
(try-load filesuf)))))
(and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f)
(error "LOAD couldn't find file " file))
(errno 0)
(cond ((> (verbose) 1)
(display ";done loading " cep) (write filesuf cep) (newline cep)
(force-output cep))))
(define slib:load-source scm:load-source)
(cond ((try-load
(in-vicinity (library-vicinity) "require" (scheme-file-suffix))))
(perror "WARNING")
(display "WARNING: Couldn't find require.scm in (library-vicinity)"
(write (library-vicinity) (current-error-port))
(newline (current-error-port))
(errno 0)))
;;; DO NOT MOVE! This has to be done after "require.scm" is loaded.
(define slib:load-source scm:load-source)
(define slib:load scm:load)
(if (or (defined? dld:link)
(defined? shl:load)
(defined? vms:dynamic-link-call)
(file-exists? (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "hobbit.tms")))
(try-load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity)
"Link" (scheme-file-suffix))))
(cond ((defined? link:link)
(define slib:load-compiled link:link)
(provide 'compiled)))
(define logical:logand logand)
(define logical:logior logior)
(define logical:logxor logxor)
(define logical:lognot lognot)
(define logical:ash ash)
(define logical:logcount logcount)
(define logical:integer-length integer-length)
(define logical:bit-extract bit-extract)
(define logical:integer-expt integer-expt)
(define (logical:ipow-by-squaring x k acc proc)
(cond ((zero? k) acc)
((= 1 k) (proc acc x))
(else (logical:ipow-by-squaring (proc x x)
(quotient k 2)
(if (even? k) acc (proc acc x))
;defmacro from dorai@cs.rice.edu (heavily hacked by jaffer):
(define *defmacros* '())
(define (macro? m) (and (assq m *defmacros*) #t))
(define defmacro:transformer
(lambda (f)
(lambda (exp env)
(copy-tree (apply f (cdr exp)))))))
(define defmacro
(let ((defmacro-transformer
(lambda (name parms . body)
`(define ,name
(let ((transformer (lambda ,parms ,@body)))
(set! *defmacros* (acons ',name transformer *defmacros*))
(defmacro:transformer transformer))))))
(set! *defmacros* (acons 'defmacro defmacro-transformer *defmacros*))
(defmacro:transformer defmacro-transformer)))
(define (macroexpand-1 e)
(if (pair? e) (let ((a (car e)))
(cond ((symbol? a) (set! a (assq a *defmacros*))
(if a (apply (cdr a) (cdr e)) e))
(else e)))
(define (macroexpand e)
(if (pair? e) (let ((a (car e)))
(cond ((symbol? a)
(set! a (assq a *defmacros*))
(if a (macroexpand (apply (cdr a) (cdr e))) e))
(else e)))
(define gentemp
(let ((*gensym-counter* -1))
(lambda ()
(set! *gensym-counter* (+ *gensym-counter* 1))
(string-append "scm:G" (number->string *gensym-counter*))))))
(define defmacro:eval slib:eval)
(define defmacro:load load)
(define (slib:eval-load <filename> evl)
(if (not (file-exists? <filename>))
(set! <filename> (string-append <filename> (scheme-file-suffix))))
(call-with-input-file <filename>
(lambda (port)
(let ((old-load-pathname *load-pathname*))
(set! *load-pathname* <filename>)
(do ((o (read port) (read port)))
((eof-object? o))
(evl o))
(set! *load-pathname* old-load-pathname)))))
;;; Autoloads for SLIB procedures.
(define (tracef . args) (require 'debug) (apply tracef args))
(define *traced-procedures* '())
(define (trace:tracef fun sym)
(cond ((memq sym *traced-procedures*)
(display "WARNING: already traced " (current-error-port))
(display sym (current-error-port))
(newline (current-error-port))
(set! *traced-procedures* (cons sym *traced-procedures*))
(tracef fun sym))))
(define (trace:untracef fun sym)
(require 'common-list-functions)
(cond ((memq sym *traced-procedures*)
(set! *traced-procedures* (remove sym *traced-procedures*))
(untracef fun))
(display "WARNING: not traced " (current-error-port))
(display sym (current-error-port))
(newline (current-error-port))
;;; Macros.
(defmacro trace x
(if (null? x) '*traced-procedures*
`(begin ,@(map (lambda (x) `(set! ,x (trace:tracef ,x ',x))) x))))
(defmacro untrace x
(if (null? x)
`(begin ,@(map (lambda (x) `(set! ,x (trace:untracef ,x ',x)))
`(begin ,@(map (lambda (x) `(set! ,x (trace:untracef ,x ',x))) x))))
(defmacro defvar (var val)
`(if (not (defined? ,var)) (define ,var ,val)))
;;; ABS and MAGNITUDE can be the same.
(if (inexact? (string->number "0.0"))
(begin (load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity)
"Transcen" (scheme-file-suffix)))
(set! abs magnitude)))
(if (defined? array?)
(define uniform-vector? array?)
(define make-uniform-vector dimensions->uniform-array)
; (define uniform-vector-ref array-ref)
(define (uniform-vector-set! u i o)
(uniform-vector-set1! u o i))
(define uniform-vector-fill! array-fill!)
(define (make-array fill . args)
(dimensions->uniform-array args () fill))
(define (make-uniform-array prot . args)
(dimensions->uniform-array args prot))
(define (list->array ndim lst)
(list->uniform-array ndim '() lst))
(define (list->uniform-vector prot lst)
(list->uniform-array 1 prot lst))
(define (array-shape a)
(map (lambda (ind) (if (number? ind) (list 0 (+ -1 ind)) ind))
(array-dimensions a)))))
;;; Use *argv* instead of (program-arguments), to allow option
;;; processing to be done on it.
(define *argv* (program-arguments))
;;; This loads the user's initialization file, or files named in
;;; program arguments.
(eq? (software-type) 'THINKC)
(member "-no-init-file" (program-arguments))
(let ((home (getenv "HOME")))
(if home
(case (software-type)
(if (char=? #\/ (string-ref home (+ -1 (string-length home))))
home ;V7 unix has a / on HOME
(string-append home "/")))
(else home))
"ScmInit")) ;;; removed .scm - ams
(errno 0))
(if (not (defined? *R4RS-macro*))
(define *R4RS-macro* #f))
(if (not (defined? *interactive*))
(define *interactive* #f))
((and (> (length *argv*) 1) (char=? #\- (string-ref (cadr *argv*) 0)))
(require 'getopt)
;;; (else
;;; (define *optind* 1)
;;; (define getopt:opt #f)
;;; (define (getopt argc argv optstring) #f))
(let* ((simple-opts "muqvbis")
(arg-opts '("a kbytes" "no-init-file" "p number"
"r feature" "f filename" "l filename"
"c string" "e string"))
(opts (apply string-append ":" simple-opts
(map (lambda (o)
(string-append (string (string-ref o 0)) ":"))
(argc (length *argv*))
(didsomething #f)
(moreopts #t))
(define (do-thunk thunk)
(if *interactive*
(let ((complete #f))
(lambda () #f)
(lambda ()
(set! complete #t))
(lambda () (if (not complete) (quit)))))))
(define (do-string-arg)
(require 'string-port)
(lambda ()
(string-append "(begin " *optarg* ")")
(set! didsomething #t))
(define (do-load file)
(lambda ()
(cond (*R4RS-macro* (require 'macro) (macro:load file))
(else (load file)))))
(set! didsomething #t))
(define (usage preopt opt postopt)
(define cep (current-error-port))
(define indent (make-string 6 #\ ))
(define i 2)
(if (char? opt) (set! opt (string opt)))
(display (string-append preopt opt postopt) cep)
(newline cep)
(display (string-append "Usage: " (car (program-arguments))
" [-" simple-opts "]") cep)
(lambda (o)
(display (string-append " [-" o "]") cep)
(set! i (+ 1 i))
(cond ((zero? (modulo i 4)) (newline cep) (display indent cep))))
(display " [-- | -s | -] [file] [args...]" cep) (newline cep)
(exit 1))
;; -c str => (eval str)
;; -e str => (eval str)
;; -f str => (load str)
;; -l str => (load str)
;; -r str => (require str)
;; -p int => (verbose int)
;; -m => (set! *R4RS-macro* #t)
;; -u => (set! *R4RS-macro* #f)
;; -v => (verbose 3)
;; -q => (verbose 0)
;; -i => (set! *interactive* #t)
;; -b => (set! *interactive* #f)
;; -s => set argv, don't execute first one
;; -no-init-file => don't load init file
;; -- => last option
(let loop ()
(case (getopt argc *argv* opts)
((#\e #\c) (do-string-arg)) ;sh-like
((#\f #\l);;(set-car! *argv* *optarg*)
(do-load *optarg*))
((#\r) (do-thunk (lambda ()
(if (and (= 1 (string-length *optarg*))
(char-numeric? (string-ref *optarg* 0)))
(case (string-ref *optarg* 0)
((#\2) (require 'rev3-procedures)
(require 'rev2-procedures))
((#\3) (require 'rev3-procedures))
((#\4) (require 'rev4-optional-procedures))
((#\5) (require 'dynamic-wind)
(require 'values)
(require 'macro)
(set! *R4RS-macro* #t))
(else (require (string->symbol *optarg*))))
(require (string->symbol *optarg*))))))
((#\p) (verbose (string->number *optarg*)))
((#\q) (verbose 0))
((#\v) (verbose 3))
((#\i) (set! *interactive* #t) ;sh-like
(verbose (max 2 (verbose))))
((#\b) (set! *interactive* #f))
((#\s) (set! moreopts #f) ;sh-like
(set! didsomething #t)
(set! *interactive* #t))
((#\m) (set! *R4RS-macro* #t))
((#\u) (set! *R4RS-macro* #f))
((#\n) (if (not (string=? "o-init-file" *optarg*))
(usage "scm: unrecognized option `-n" *optarg* "'")))
((#\:) (usage "scm: option `-" getopt:opt "' requires an argument"))
((#\?) (usage "scm: unrecognized option `-" getopt:opt "'"))
((#f) (set! moreopts #f) ;sh-like
(cond ((and (< *optind* (length *argv*))
(string=? "-" (list-ref *argv* *optind*)))
(set! *optind* (+ 1 *optind*)))))
(else (usage "scm: unknown option `-" getopt:opt "'")))
(cond ((and moreopts (< *optind* (length *argv*)))
((< *optind* (length *argv*)) ;No more opts
(set! *argv* (list-tail *argv* *optind*))
(set! *optind* 1)
(cond ((not didsomething) (do-load (car *argv*))
(set! *optind* (+ 1 *optind*))))
(cond ((and (> (verbose) 2)
(not (= (+ -1 *optind*) (length *argv*))))
(display "scm: extra command arguments unused:"
(for-each (lambda (x) (display (string-append " " x)
(list-tail *argv* (+ -1 *optind*)))
(newline (current-error-port)))))
((and (not didsomething) (= *optind* (length *argv*)))
(set! *interactive* #t)))))
(cond ((not *interactive*) (quit))
(require 'repl)
(require 'macro)
(let* ((oquit quit))
(set! quit (lambda () (repl:quit)))
(set! exit quit)
(repl:top-level macro:eval)
;;otherwise, fall into non-macro SCM repl.
(begin (errno 0)
(for-each load (cdr (program-arguments))))))
; --- hereonwards by ams
; Fire up the archi extension routines
(case (software-type)
((archimedes) (load "<scm$dir>.arc_ext"))
(else ""))